PSO Game Forum
Cheracter classes and tips

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Charecter classes

The three type of classes are as follows, Hunter, Force, and Ranger. Then they are each broken into sub classes,Human, Newman, and Android.

Newmans are sort of like elvish beings (pointy ears) and androids and humans are just what I said. Each has there own strength's and weakneses just like you'd expect. Androids are strong but lack a lot in techniques. Humans are the most balanced of the bunch and don't excel in one particular area. And newmans are the technical wizardz. Of the other classes the Rangers are supieor shooters and can equip any gun. Force rely on techniques, and Hunter are the melee type. Is one class better then the other is purly based on oppinion, but if you ask me I think when in higher levels the Force class is hard to beat. I reccomend you at least have two diffrent charecters (you'll need two memory cards)because it will give you an idea into which you prefer. It's your personal charecter so experiment and have fun:)






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